Season 3
Tales of Recovery with Lunita Velasquez ~Spirituality during covid times.
Lunita Velasquez and I have a conversation about what we did, didn't do, realized and are working through... in these intense times of covid fear and shelter in place. It was a healing and vulnerable conversation...
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Recuperando laVida-De que se Trata esto?
Recuperando la Vida, una introducción en espanol de lo que se trata este espacio~ compartiendo experiencias de cómo vamos recuperando la vida, siéndonos fieles a nosotros mismos con el corazón abierto y hablando las...
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Tales of Recovery ~ With guest Robin Claire
Only after revealing her deepest dark secret, Robin Clare was able to become her most authentic spiritual self. Struggling with food addiction and bulimia, for decades, she finally dug deep into current and past lives...
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Tales of Recovery ~con Karin Astiazaran-Santillan
Recuperando la Vida~ Tales of Recovery en Español!
Una platica rica y llena de amor con mi prima y Terapeuta Holistica Karin Astiazaran-Santillan. Hace varios años me salvo la vida en una reunión en Casa Plena en...
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Tales of Recovery ~ With guest Leanne Tibiatowski
My dear friend Golden messaged me a few weeks ago and told me about her friend Leanne, whom she surfs with wanted to share her Re-covery story. Leanne and I connected right away and here is this week's Tales of...
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Tales of Recovery ~Mis amigas del Alma Paola y Carla Ruiz de Chavez
This week on Tales of Recovery we go Bi-lingual again!
Recuperando la Vida.
Una conversación profunda con mis amigas del alma las hermanas Paola y Carla Ruiz de Chávez.
Platicamos de lo que es el camino de serte...
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Tales of Recovery~Religious Triggers, Issue and Addiction
Once again I am on here letting my voice speak of this intense habit humans have of returning to the addiction of certainty via the naming of a specific idol. I wonder why even after a deep awakening, a process of...
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Practicing Presence, a guided meditation by Gris Alves
Practicing calm, entering into Presence~
22 Minute Meditation led by Gris Alves
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The Sacredness of Meditation
On Tales of Recovery this week, I share some highlights of my experience with meditation throughout the years. As a little girl, in recovery, dancing, playing or out of a desperate desire to heal and find answers to...
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On Death and Dying Part 1
On death and dying (part one) begins from a conversation on the difficulty of goodbyes, illness and end of life situations. Which are inevitable. Why are we so scared of the "D" word?
Can we begin to realize that...
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Why are we still drinking the freaking Kool-Aid?
In a world with so much available information, healing modalities, science based evidence on the power of meditation and connection....WHY are we still drinking the Kool-aid LIES of patriarchal religious belief...
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Mindfulness Practice led by Gris Alves
A Mindfulness Practice of Emotions, led by Gris Alves
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