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"Speak out loud what you thought you couldn’t say, FEEL what you’ve denied your body to feel, and you will begin your healing journey."

If we are to live with an open and awakened heart, we must step out of the limitations that have been imposed on us. We must remember who we are and that our birthright is to know our Love and our freedom to BE and feel safe, wild and expanded, deeply grounded in our bodies and awed by the gift of life.

Gris Alves is a Mindfulness Teacher,  Integrated Recovery and Healing Guide, Earth Based Ceremonialist and Trauma-Informed 500HR RYT Yoga Teacher; certified in Gabor Mate's Compassionate Inquiry Therapy Process. 


Walking along side you to help remember,  re-discover your inner strength, cultivate self-compassion and expand your capacity to self-heal, thrive and FEEL present and alive.


Gris has been leading hum@ns in spiritual, health and addiction recovery programs for over 27 years. Helping others process trauma, embody and ritualize grief, deconstruct and release limiting beliefs that stem from the social conditioning and programming that hinders our integrated well-being.


She helps people compassionately remember their voice, heal and care for their bodies, cultivate and rekindle self-love and our magic so we can THRIVE as humans, and, as a result, help our planet and those around us awaken to our True Nature.



Meditation Guide, Integrated Life Recovery Coach, Thanatologist Grief Walker, Tales of Recovery Podcast Host.

Gris Alves embodies the spirit of resilience and empowerment as a Revolutionary Mexican Immigrant Woman, 500hr RYT, Thanatologist, and Embodied Mindfulness and Meditation Guide. With a background in Trauma Informed Yoga, she volunteers with The Prison Yoga Project in San Diego, CA, bringing healing practices to those in need. A founding member of the San Diego Resistance Revival Chorus (featured in the TRIBECA film festival film RESIST) and the Medicine Wom@n Musical Ensemble "The Amanitas del Norte." Gris utilizes voice and frequency as modalities for healing. She is the visionary behind AWARE, a mindfulness teaching organization, and the host of the Tales of Recovery Podcast, where she fosters conscious conversations and challenges societal constraints, inviting others to share their stories of resilience and hope. Gris radiates with positive energy and possesses a remarkable ability to communicate the necessity for change with humor and vulnerability.


Gris specializes at guiding and cheering others on to knowing that they can and have the birthright to pursue healing, thrive and live a healthy, awakened life of depth, love and meaning. Free of anxiety, pharmaceuticals (once they have stopped working) and addictions. 


Walking hand in hand with all who are willing and open; in the journey of depth and the discovery that pain is quite a part of this life journey but that avoiding pain prolongs suffering and creates Dis-Ease. It is usually the lessons that we learn through the pain that help us heal and fully discover our life's purpose. To live a life of love and awe for this gift we have of being alive. 


During her last 27 years in Recovery, Gris has embraced the healing modalities that have helped her move in the direction of LOVE. Now sharing her experience, intense training. love, teachings and wisdom on her podcast, online and in person courses, retreats and building community.


Gris is lucky to be on the board of the San Diego based @SoulTribeSanctuary and teaching yoga for incarcerated women with Prison Yoga Project. She continues to learn every day that that is exactly what this life is: a gift, a journey, and a healing one if we are open to that opportunity.  Gris is offering her life story to serve others and dedicating her energy to help you change yours for the better.  We have one life to live, let's live it alive,  fully in our bodies, in health, love, pleasure and liberation.


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